“Post-Surgery” Posts

This page contains a compilation of Posts in the “Post-Surgery” category… i.e. all the posts associated with surgical related events After Surgery

Weeks 5 & 6 – Soft Food Diet

Weeks 5 & 6 – Soft Food Diet

OK... I've survived 2 weeks of liquids and 2 weeks of mush puree... for the next 2 weeks I graduate to "soft food" Here are the "key points of my diet for the next 2 weeks : Separate Liquids from Solids - wait 10 minutes before eating and 30 minutes after eating...

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Diabetes ??? – I am CURED !!!!

Diabetes ??? – I am CURED !!!!

Well no... Not Really... I am not actually cured (I still have susceptibility to Diabetes II), but at the moment my blood sugar is being controlled without the need for medication. Medically speaking, there is no cure for diabetes but it can go into "remission."...

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1 Week After Surgery

1 Week After Surgery

One week ago I was lying in my hospital "recovering" from surgery... I was feeling a bit woozy, a bit uncomfortable and a bit "out of control" because I was connected to drips, oxygen, monitors and air pumps... but I was calm, relaxed and not in any pain at all 🙂 Its...

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Day 6 After Surgery & Dietitian Visit

Day 6 After Surgery & Dietitian Visit

Day 6 and everything still doing remarkably well…. Still no pain… Feeling completely normal (except I am not hungry)… Not struggling at all with the liquid diet… and no Diabetes medication since the day of surgery and my Blood Sugar Rocks

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Day 4 After Surgery

Day 4 After Surgery

Its now been 4 days since surgery and everything is going GREAT !!  Way better than I had expected and even better than I had hoped.

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Day 2 After Surgery

Day 2 After Surgery

Another pretty comfortable night (in my own bed), with a few odd dreams (I'm guessing a carry over from the General Anesthetic/Drip) . Still no pain to speak of.... I did take a precautionary couple of Panadol before bed because I didn't know what to expect, but I...

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Day After Surgery

Day After Surgery

I woke pretty early (about 5:30 AM) after a surprisingly comfortable evening - despite a bit of prodding and poking by the nursing staff, and a couple of trips to the loo. Again mostly no pain and just a little discomfort from my gassy stomach/intestine. I had been...

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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

They discharged me from hospital this morning at 10:00 and I made it home before 12:00 – less than 24hrs after the operation Woo Hoo !!!

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