“Pre-Surgery” Posts

This page contains a compilation of Posts in the “Pre-Surgery” category… i.e. all the posts associated with events before Surgery

ECG and Stress Echo

ECG and Stress Echo

This one of a series of test requested by my Bariatric Surgeon Electrocardiagram (ECG) An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a medical test that detects cardiac (heart) abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart. The ECG involves connecting a...

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Upper Endoscopy

Upper Endoscopy

This one of a series of tests requested by my Bariatric Surgeon Upper endoscopy is a procedure that enables a gastroenterologist to examine the esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, and duodenum (first portion of small bowel) using a thin, flexible tube called the...

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Ultrasound, CT Scan & Chest Xray

Ultrasound, CT Scan & Chest Xray

This was the first of a series of tests requested by my Bariatric Surgeon CT Scan This was my first ever CT Scan... A CT scan uses x-rays to make detailed cross-sectional images of your body. it is that big doughnut like machine that hasĀ  components which spins....

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Initial Consultation – Bariatric Surgeon #1

Initial Consultation – Bariatric Surgeon #1

Today I had my initial consultation with a Bariatric Surgeon (referred by my GP) at a local Private Hospital. I'd done my research and had some idea of the different types of Bariatic Procedures, but didn't really know much about the process, risks or timescales. The...

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