My Gastric ByPass Blog

Banned from UBX Training Gym – For What ??
WARNING - This post has become very very long (and getting longer)... Unfortunately, what should have been a very simple story, and not worth posting about at all, has evolved into a bit of a Saga - mostly due to the horrendous way an alleged complaint against me to...
12RND Fitness Training Camp “Competition” – Fair or Farce ??
I apologise for the length of this post ... It started out fairly long anyway... but has evolved (and is still evolving) as I receive comments and feedback from readers and as new information (from 12RNDs Fitness) comes to light... I did consider creating a new post,...
Multi Speed Bag Training – What / Why / How ??
Most people (even non-boxers) are familiar with, or at least aware, of Speed Bag (a.k.a Speed Ball) Training... It looks complicated, and pretty cool and there are a plethora of Youtube videos which feature different Speedbag techniques... However, there has been very...
Why I keep going back to 12RND Greenslopes
I've been back at the Gym for 18 months now... and have written before about why I go to a 12RND Fitness gym... In summary the main reasons are No Scary Machines No Fixed Start TimeQuick Workout High Intensity TrainingMyZone Variable WorkoutMy own Personal Trainer ......
22 Months Update
22 months since my gastric Bypass Operation - and my weight has finally started to level out. At the moment it has been as low as 80KG, but is currently stabilised at around 82KG... which is remarkable because when I first started this journey I had "hoped" that I...
My Myzone Musings
I have now been going to the gym (12Rnds Fitness) for a little over 1 year... (and have posted previously about my exercise obsession "passion"). I have been using a Myzone Heart Rate Monitor for nearly 6 months and (remarkably) for the last few months have been...
O.M.G… What a Difference a Bowl of Muesli Makes !!!
You might assume from the title that this post is about food... You'd only be partially correct, as it is mostly about Exercise - and a bit about Nutrition... I've been going to the gym (see Why I Love 12rnd Fitness) for almost a year now... and for the most part do...
Why I Love 12RND Fitness
My Obsession Passion for Exercise has gone a long way to helping me through the process of losing weight and getting fit... and to a large extent, I attribute my new found interest in exercise to 12RND Fitness... 12RND Fitness is an Australian based Gym Franchise,...
Iron Infusion – A Burst of Energy ??
My Gastric Bypass surgery has been a spectacular success... I have lost more than 45Kg (over 62 weeks) - am still losing weightI am now Non-Diabetic - My blood sugar (Hb1ac) levels are normal and I have had no diabetes medications since the day after surgery... in...
Oh Dear… I have Been Dumped !! … Again
Despite being the fittest, healthiest and skinniest I have been for more than 30 years... and in fact, quite probably because of it, I have been dumped multiple times in the last few months !!! I have had several people, who have played an important part in my life...
My Exercise Obsession ???
I go to a local coffee shop for a pot of tea (or two) and read the newspaper most days.... Not long ago, I would have jumped in the car for the 3 minute drive... but over the last few months, this behaviour has changed, and now, more often than not, I walk... 1 hr: 43...
No Longer Obese !!! (Officially)
45Kg and 58 weeks after surgery ... I am finally No Longer Obese !!!(and I have not been down to this weight for more than 30 years)... According to my BMI, I am officially not Obese any more ... but I am still Overweight (which I guess still makes me a Fat Bastard)....
Time to Join a New Gym ??
I am thinking of joining a new gym... Not instead of my current gym (12Rnd Fitness - which I LOVE)... but as well as. I look forward to going to the gym so much (Endorphins are a wonderful thing), that sometimes at night, I am tempted to go to bed early, just so I can...
Wow What a Year !!
12 months exactly since my gastric Bypass Operation - and what a fantastic year I have had... I have : Lost over 40Kg in weightStopped all Diabetes MedicationDrastically reduced my Blood Sugar and am now officially Diabetes FreeJoined a Gym (and am getting a little...
49 Weeks – Feeling Fantastic
Its been a little over 3 months since my last post... but how many times can you say "things are going great" ?? I've continued to lose weight and are now just over 90Kg.... That's a total weight loss of 40Kg or nearly 1/3rd of my original body weight 🙂 Gym Junkie...