“Food & Diet” Posts
This page contains a compilation of Posts in the “Food and Diet” category… i.e. all the posts associated with Food, Diet, and Dietician related activity.
3 Weeks after Surgery – I Threw Up !!!
3 weeks know since my surgery and I am still feeling GREAT !!!
Diabetes II Linked with Diet Soft Drinks !!!
One of the main reasons I went ahead with Weight Loss Surgery was to manage/control my Diabetes II. After several years of trying diet and exercise, the medications I needed to keep my blood sugar under control were increasing. I am now very happy to say that since...
2 Weeks after Surgery – Survived Liquid Diet
2 weeks know since my surgery and I am feeling GREAT !!!
Day 6 After Surgery & Dietitian Visit
Day 6 and everything still doing remarkably well…. Still no pain… Feeling completely normal (except I am not hungry)… Not struggling at all with the liquid diet… and no Diabetes medication since the day of surgery and my Blood Sugar Rocks
Gastric Bypass Surgery – What to Eat After
Just a few more days now until my Surgery… time now to start thinking about (and planning for) what I will need to “eat (and I do use the term loosely) when I get out of hospital.
Biggest Loser vs Weight Loss Surgery – Long Time Comparison
Weights Loss Surgery is consistently shown to offer significant long term weight loss benefits over diet and exercise alone. This post examines data from follow up studies for Biggest Loser Contestants.
What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is a natural state for the body, when it is almost completely fueled by fat. This is normal during fasting, or when on a strict low-carb diet. Ketosis has many potential benefits – related to rapid weight loss, health or performance – but there are also side...
Day 5 of 2 Week Meal Replacement
Day 5 of my Meal replacement Diet prior to surgery... and still going OK... I find that I am not hungry at all in the mornings (which is not that unusual for me anyway) so rather than forcing myself to eat breakfast when I don't really feel like it (and yes... I do...
Day 2 of 2 Week Meal Replacement
Day 2 of my Meal replacement Diet prior to surgery... and so far so good.... Except... I caught up with some old Uni mates today for "lunch" and I was all psyched to just have my OptiFAST Food Bar and water... but I forgot my food bar... I was still holding strong for...
2 Weeks “Meal Replacement” Starts Today
Okay... so today I start my 2 weeks pre-surgery Meal Replacement Diet... which essentially involves replacing all meals with OptiFAST Shakes/Soups/Bars with a few fruit and veges in-between - and lots of water. I've been out shopping (spent $150 on OptiFAST) and the...
Food Glorious Food
Today is the last day that I will eat "real" food for probably 2 months.... and will most likely be a turning point for a change in my food habits for the rest of my life. Tomorrow I start 2 weeks a pre-surgery "meal replacement" diet, then after surgery I go on...
Pre Surgery Optifast Diet
17 days to go before my surgery... so I need to start planing and getting my head around the "meal replacement" diet which I need to start 14 days prior (6th Sep). The purpose of the pre-surgery diet is primarily to shrink down my Liver a bit (so they have more space...