This session was effectively a Pre Surgery Consultation to make me aware of what I can and can’t eat in the leadup to, and after surgery.

2 weeks before surgery

2 weeks prior to surgery I will need to switch to a meal replacement diet (Optifast).  I need to stop all existing food and switch to 3 Optifast VLCD meal replacement products per day (Shakes, Soups and Desserts)… along with at least 2 litres of fluid daily (NO fruit juice, full cream milk, full sugar drinks or alcohol).

The purpose of this is to reduce the size/volume of the liver, improve surgical access and improve mobility post-surgery.

i understand that this 2 weeks is one of the most challenging parts of the whole procedure.


Immediately following surgery – whilst I am in hospital, I will efectively be “nil by mouth” – with all liquids and nutriton recieved via a drip.  This is to ensure minimal pressure on the surgery to allow time for the surgery to start to heal.

Post Surgery

For 2-4 weeks after surgery (once I am out pof hospital) I will be restricted to a liquid diet – to avoid any unnecessary pressure and stress on the stomach until the swelling subsides. The liquid diet significantly reduces discomfort, pain and vomiting and ensures adequate hydration and protein for a good recovery.

Following a couple of weeks of liquids I can start to have blended foods (mush) for a further2 weeks or so… and finaly (a month or so post-surgery) I can start eating real (well chewed) food in small quanitiies.

I am sure after 4 -6 weeks of liquds and mush (especially if I have not got my taste back) even the couch will start to look appetising – if for the texture alone.

This consultation cost me $150