Today I attended a Hospital Pre-admisson session – to do some tests (ECG, Blood) and clue me up on the admissions process and what to expect on the day of, and days following surgery.
It was conducted by a nurse from the surguical ward, and was a very informative and useful session.
I had already filled in some preadmisson forms online, so there was very little pawerwok to do at this session…. I had also already been in to my local Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology Lab earlier this morning for my blood tests (10 different vals – a new record !!!) and some of the results had been received alreay – very impressive.
I was sent off to get an ECG which was a very simple process of sticking few electrodes on my leg, hands, chest (no shaving this time woo hoo) – Cost was $65 (with some apparently claimable from Private Health Insurance)
I was told waht to expect, what to bring (toiletries, changes of c lothes, book), what not to bring (valuables) and given some tubes of antiseptic wash (to be used in showering the night before and morning of the surgery).
Now all I need doo is call the day before to confirm admissiion times and turn up on the day 🙂